About MARR
MARR Addiction Treatment Center has been in operation in Atlanta, Georgia since 1975 and is one of the few non-profit treatment facilities remaining in the southeastern United States. In addition to its Men and Women’s Recovery Centers, MARR founded Right Side Up in 2001 as a state-funded program for women and their children who qualified for state-funded treatment based on low income levels.
For over 45 years, MARR has been dedicated to bringing total recovery to chemically dependent individuals through high-quality, cost-effective, gender-specific treatment programs. Our programs are designed around mentoring clients in a disciplined, caring and respectful environment. The total needs of each patient are addressed to achieve lasting recovery, physically, mentally and spiritually.
You can visit www.marrinc.org for information on MARR’s recovery centers for men and women, as well as free resources related to recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction.